Magdalena Nogueira Guastavino (España) : Crisis and labor reforms in Spain: a change of paradigm?

Magdalena Nogueira Guastavino

Magdalena Nogueira Guastavino is Full Professor of Labour Law at Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and Vice President of the Spanish Association of Labour Law and Social Security (AEDTSS). She was working as a Law Clerk for the Constitutional Court of Spain (200-2007) and was Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law (1995-2000). She has written and published widely on anti-discrimination law, human rights law and individual and collective labour law. She has been editor of three colective books [Lessons on Labor Procedure Law, Tirant lo Blanch (Valencia), 2013; Lessons on European Social Law, Tirant Lo Blanch (Valencia), 2011 and One Hundred Years of Social Security, Madrid (UNED) 2000] and she has written five monographs [The prohibition of unfair competition in the labor contract as a manifestation of the contractual duty of good faith, Pamplona ( Aranzadi ), 1997; Post contractual covenants not to compete, Madrid (Mc Grau- Hill), 1998; Craft unions and collective bargaining, Valencia (Tirant lo Blanch ) 2001; The Supreme Court doctrine in Social Security. A synthesis of case law (1991-1996), Valencia (Tirant lo Blanch), 1997 in collaboration with Supreme Court Judge Aurelio Desdentado Bonete; The writ of amparo: a labor approach, Valencia (Tirant lo Blanch), 2005, in collaboration with Mercader Uguina] and numerous articles on Labor Law and case law reviews of ECJ, ECHR, Spanish Constitutional Court and Spanish Supreme Court on Labor law and fundamental social rights.

